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[EP-tech] Re: Extracting authors

Okay, I think this is really going to be the correct approach however
using straight up creators like that exposes too much. I¹m only interested
in recording the details for our users, most likely user ID (for searching
purposes) and their name (for easy identification). Pretty much what you
get from http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/view/creators/ - would this be easy
to expose on the OAI endpoint? Is there also an easy way to harvest from

On 07/08/2014 09:25, "Ian Stuart" <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk> wrote:

>On 06/08/14 15:47, Andrew Beeken wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> I¹m currently looking at building applications that sit to the side
>> of Eprints but tap into the data it stores. What I¹m hoping to be
>> able to get, possibly via an OAI scrape, is a list of all of the
>> authors stored in the system so that I can create a lookup table in
>> my app ­ is this straightforward?
>As an OAI-PMH set, yes.... very easy
>$oai->{sets} = [
>   ......
>   { id=>"creators", allow_null=>0, fields=>"creators_name"},
>   ......
>As a cgi call, or in code, is slightly more complicated.
>My initial thought would be to create a script that goes through the
>dataset and builds a "list of hashes": where the author details are
>stored in a hash, and one of those key/value pairs is a list of
>eprintids for the records they are listed as authors. Store this
>data-object on disk, and your API can call that to do whatever
>calculations you need.
>Depending on the size and activity of your Repository, you can build the
>"list-of-hashes" hourly, daily, or whatever.
>Ian Stuart.
>Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
>Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
>The University of Edinburgh.
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