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Message: #03368

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[EP-tech] Latest Additions


do you know how to change the start-page to have a list of "latest additions" like the one seen here?


So far I've found out that the file to edit is:


inside my archive, and that the information I need comes from the "./cgi/latest_tool" CGI-script.

But I'm not sure how to invoke that script to get an output as in the web-page I mentioned.

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Sebastian Nozzi
IT - Senior Software Developer

Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Phone +43-(0)2243 9000-1089
Fax +43-(0)2243 9000-2000
Am Campus 1
A-3400 Klosterneuburg

E-Mail: Sebastian.Nozzi@ist.ac.at
Visit our website: http://www.ist.ac.at