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Message: #03341

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[EP-tech] Re: Export plugin with views.pm features

Your example can be done via a search:


Searches can be exported (like any list of objects).

Otherwise you can write your own CGI (if your conditions are more complex) - something like (adapt to your needs):

my $list = $repo->dataset( 'archive' )->search(
    filters => [
           { meta_fields => [qw/ type /], value => 'article', match => 'EX', },
           { meta_fields => [qw/ refereed /], value => 'TRUE', match => 'EX', },
    ] );

binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" );

$list->export( 'XML', fh => *STDOUT );


On 30/07/14 17:01, Gaston.Fournier@etsmtl.ca wrote:

Here is an example of the Boolean expressions used in a cgi script to generate a subset of eprints for the output :                                     


if ( $eprint->get_value( "type" ) eq "article" && $eprint->get_value( "refereed" ) eq "TRUE" )