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[EP-tech] Re: DataCite registration plug-in setup

Hi Jana,

As it happens, I've been working on two repositories with a very similar profile to yours. Both have Recollect (customised) + DataCite to register DOIs

I've found and overcome a few issues with the DataCite plugin myself. These were not related to integration with the recollect plugin, but I can only speak for my repos in that respect.

If you show us the contents of your datacitedoi.pl file I can see if I can spot any miss-configuration (please don't paste in your DataCite credentials!)

For example a trailing slash is needed for the mds url.

The plugin does a poor job at passing on the error messages that the datacite API reports, so as it stands you have guess what the problem might be.

I intend to package up and publish a version of the plugin logs the API errors (+some other features and fixes).

Maybe I'll get a chance before or during the repository Fringe next week.



Rory McNicholl
Lead developer, Research Repositories Team
Academic Research Technologies
University of London Computer Centre
Senate House
Malet Street

t: +44 (0)20 7863 1344
e: rory.mcnicholl@london.ac.uk
w: http://www.ulcc.ac.uk/

The University of London is an exempt charity in England and Wales.
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] on behalf of Lizz Jennings [e.jennings@bath.ac.uk]
Sent: 23 July 2014 09:58
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: DataCite registration plug-in setup

Hi Jana,

I've been doing some work on meshing the plugin with Recollect and have it working through test.  Happy to talk through what I've done.


On 23/07/2014 09:51, Jana Porsche wrote:
Dear All,

I would like to reach some institution, which is using EPrints for research data and DataCite DOI registration plug-in http://bazaar.eprints.org/307/

We are using ReCollect plug-in within our EPrints installation and also the DataCite registration plug-in.
We did quite lot of customizing to the ReCollect plug-in so it better suits needs of our researchers.

Right now we are struggling with the test setup - we would like to connect our test system (EPrints + customized ReCollect + DataCite registration plug-in) via test API to test MDS, but wasn´t successful until now.
Is there anybody who is using this plug-in and would be able to help us further?

Thank you very much in advance.
With kind regards

Mag. Jana Porsche
Expert Library

Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Phone +43-(0)2243 9000-1080
Fax +43-(0)2243 9000-2000
Am Campus 1
A-3400 Klosterneuburg

E-Mail: jana.porsche@ist.ac.at<mailto:jana.porsche@ist.ac.at>
Visit our website: http://www.ist.ac.at

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Lizz Jennings BA MSc ACLIP MCLIP (Revalidated 2013)
Technical Data Officer
The Library 4.10, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK
Ext. 3570 (External 01225 383570)