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Message: #03254

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[EP-tech] Re: Checkboxes

Ah right - I¹ve actually achieved this now with a Yes/No drop down,
however I¹ve come across another funny; the drop down is showing a third
value of UNSPECIFIED - I¹d like it to default to No but I can¹t seem to
find the correct setting for that or where to put it.

On 14/07/2014 10:59, "Ian Stuart" <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk> wrote:

>On 14/07/14 10:46, Andrew Beeken wrote:
>> Hello! I¹m wondering if I¹m missing something but I can¹t seem to
>> find the correct type definition for adding a checkbox field to
>> EPrints. Any pointers?
>I couldn't make a list of checkboxes from a single hash/list
>The is what I do:
>     foreach
>         my $card ( sort { $a->get_value('email') cmp
>$b->get_value('email') }
>       @postcards )
>     {
>       my $div   = $session->make_element('div');
>       my $label = $session->make_element('label');
>       $div->appendChild($label);
>       my $input = $session->render_input_field(
>         type     => 'radio',
>         name     => 'rjb_email',
>         value    => $card->get_value('email'),
>         class    => 'ep_form_checkbox',
>         onChange => 'autoSubmitEmail();'
>       );
>       $label->appendChild($input);
>       $label->appendChild(
>         $session->make_text(
>                 q{ }
>               . $card->get_value('email')
>               . ' (watching '
>               . scalar @{ $card->get_value('repos') }
>               . ' repositories) '
>         )
>       );
>Does that help?
>Ian Stuart.
>Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
>Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
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