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Message: #03243

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[EP-tech] EP_TRIGGER_URL_REWRITE and redirecting to a screen

What's the *best/intended* way to go from an  EP_TRIGGER_URL_REWRITE trigger to a screen?

>From searching the Bazaar, is seems like most things like this either:
(1) use a cgi/... script that does the screen selection/processing, or
(2) register a handler that does the work (e.g.  $request->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => [ 'EPrints::Plugin::MePrints::MePrintsHandler' ] ); )

Both seem not-quite-right: (1) requires the trigger to do a redirect (another HTTP call), (2) would duplicate a lot of stuff that EPrints does 'normally' (the screen I want to use is a normal EPrints screen).

Should the trigger should be able to do the work?
Have I missed some magic way of doing this?
