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Message: #03230

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[EP-tech] IRStats2 v1.0

Hi everyone,

I have released v1 of IRStats2 (well, v1.0.1) on the Bazaar: http://bazaar.eprints.org/365/ and whilst at it I have moved any bits of documentations to the git-hub hosted "gh-pages": http://eprints.github.io/irstats2

The following issues were fixed (from #54, upwards): https://github.com/eprints/irstats2/issues?direction=desc&page=1&sort=updated&state=closed

A caching mechanism (who said "hack"?! ok...) was added to make "Top Authors/Publications/etc" display much faster (also works for Counter but not for Graphs) as long as there are no date filters (eg. users selected the "past 6 month" option).
