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Message: #03220

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[EP-tech] Re: OAI-PMH

On 04/07/14 14:20, Andrew Beeken wrote:
Hello all!

Right, I’m stepping into the murky waters of using our OAI-PMH
endpoint to do… stuff! Basically a bit experimental at the moment. I
can get it to return a list of records as well as a specific record
based on a record ID, however, what I would like to be able to do is
some kind of rudimentary query, say, pass in a user ID in the query
string to return a list of records associated with that author?
As Seb says, OAI-PMH is a harvesting system, not a query system

In essence, what you have is a set of canned searches that return a list of results.

You can certainly search for authors - in cfg/cfgd/oai.pl

$oai->{sets} = [
  { id=>"creators", allow_null=>0, fields=>"creators_name"},

But have a good look at what the http://<your.server.address/cgi/oai2?verb=ListSets returns (and there's a reason for those bloody horrible SetNames)


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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