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Message: #03185

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[EP-tech] Eprints password activation email does not have the activation link for gmail users

When users register using gmail it the system is sending them an activation email without an activation link. I have tested it on platforms like yahoo and webmail and its send the email with the activation link. How do i solve the problem. I have pasted the emai being received in gmail below

Password Activation

Dear User,

Thank you for your interest in National Research Database.

You now need to activate your password. This will expire in 1 week.

Your username is: test.

After you have successfully confirmed your password, you can deposit/submit publications/research materials here.

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Have your username and password ready when visiting any of the above pages.

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 Luxmore Chiwuta (Mr)
Research Council Of Zimbabwe 11 Stafford Road Mt Pleasant Harare Alternative Email lchiwuta@rcz.ac.zw Websites: