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[EP-tech] Re: Branding of Repository - use Twitter Bootstrap Theme?

On 12/05/14 11:31, David Kane wrote:

I would like to change from the default EPrints interface.  I wonder how
easy it is to customise.  For example, I would really like to implement
a Twitter Bootstrap theme.
Customise, in what way?

Changing the main contents of a page is difficult, and its generated within core EPrints packages (by that I mean the use of tables for things, the number of columns, the element IDs, and so forth.

On a broader level, however, its pretty easy to change to look of the template for the page, and to change the words used for most things.

In terms of the page "template" - have a look at http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Branding,_the_next_level

In terms of words & phrases... this is just liker writing a new language pack: its all phrases & pins...


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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