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Message: #02845

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[EP-tech] Re: How to remove link Login | Create Account

I already comment the :
<epp:phrase id="dynamic:not_logged_in"><a href="{$config{userhome}}">Login</a> <epc:phrase ref="Plugin/Screen:tool_divide" /> <a href="{$config{http_cgiurl}}/register">Create Account</a></epp:phrase>

how did you commented it?

Il 08/04/2014 07:43, Gilles Fournié ha scritto:

I had the same problem as yours.

I don't know if it's the right way to do it, but I achieved it by commenting out the line :

    = 150;

in the file :


Best regards

Le 08/04/2014 05:29, Ajunk Pracetio a écrit :
Hi, my name Agung from Indonesia.

I just learn how to change template for my eprints. I'd like to remove the link Login | Create Account from the template because I already made it. It only for not logged in condition.

I already comment the :
<epp:phrase id="dynamic:not_logged_in"><a href="{$config{userhome}}">Login</a> <epc:phrase ref="Plugin/Screen:tool_divide" /> <a href="{$config{http_cgiurl}}/register">Create Account</a></epp:phrase>

at eprints\lib\lang\en\phrases\system.xml

But still doesnot disspear.

Please any help

Thank you

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