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Message: #02814

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[EP-tech] Re: Finding articles which have been made open access

On 31/03/14 08:40, Andrew Beeken wrote:
I’ve been tasked with something that I’m not sure how (or even if) we
can quantify. For some time we had a tick box on the request response
screen that users could check to set their records to be open access.
While this has been removed, we would like to figure out if any
records have been set to open access in this way – is there a flag
set in the database that I can search on to get a list of these or is
this not possible?

Are you looking to find records that were not OA but now are, or just records that are OA?

The latter is simply a case of finding files with full-text and no embargo.

The latter is a tad more challenging, however the action of changing the OA flag will be recorded in the "history" table.

If you have a look at it, you can filter for all records with the 'eprints' datasetid, and find the appropriate string of text to search for in the 'details' field.... and 'objectid' will be the list of EPrints.

.... but no, there's no simple field in an eprint record that say "I was non-OA, but now I'm OA"


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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