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Message: #02801

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[EP-tech] Problems with configuration changes [NIC]

Classification: NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence


Can anyone shed some light on this?

The configuration changes I make to our test repository do not show up on the website. I’ve followed the advice given here: http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Troubleshooting#Changes_to_the_configuration_didn.27t_appear_on_the_website but the results are the same.



We have the following set up:

Centos 6.5

Eprints 3.3.12

Apache 2.2.15.


Has anyone else experienced this problem and how did you resolve it?







Dennis Platt

Records Manager

National Physical laboratory

Hampton Road



TW11 0LW


Office:  +44 (0) 208 943 6871

Fax:       +44 (0) 208 614 0424

Email: dennis.platt@npl.co.uk

Website: www.npl.co.uk




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