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Message: #02720

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[EP-tech] Something is wrong with installation via apt in Ubuntu

I have installed eprints in Ubuntu 12.04 server via APT but I have 
problems to generate static files. Everything else is probably OK but 
when I run
./bin/generate_static archive-id

I get:

Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 
Unrecognised file in website: 

To prune unrecognized files run with the --prune option.

Same thing with generate_views

./bin/generate_views archive-id

Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.year [date] - 
configuration may be wrong
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.subjects [subjects] - 
configuration may be wrong
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.divisions [divisions] - 
configuration may be wrong
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.creators [creators_name] - 
configuration may be wrong
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.year [date] - 
configuration may be wrong
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.subjects [subjects] - 
configuration may be wrong
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.divisions [divisions] - 
configuration may be wrong
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view.creators [creators_name] - 
configuration may be wrong

I have started everything from scratch just for troubleshooting (vanilla 
Ubuntu server 12.04, EPrints 3 via apt, apache conf etc) but ... same 
Permissions issues maybe? 