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Message: #02718

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints 3.3.12 Installation (from source)


Apache runs as eprints user and the files belong to that same user.
As for SE-linux, I don't think so, but I'll check.

Anyway, my intent was not exactly to debug the Eprints code...
I'm pretty sure that something went wrong with my configuration at some time. But as I tried a lot ot things (various reinstalls), I was trying to find in the code some clues which could have helped me figure where the misconfiguration problem lays.

Now, I think that I'm going to waste my time (and yours !) at insisting to find what is misconfigured. It is probably better to go back to were I started... Tomorrow, I will ask the system team to reload the initial snapshot of our system so I will be able to redo the EPrints install from the beginning.

Thanks for your help, Jan and Sébastien.


> Hi Gilles,
> Given all the errors you're getting, I would look into a
> misconfiguration rather than trying to debug code.
> Have you checked that:
> - apache is running as the 'eprints' user and that your file-system is
> also set to 'eprints:eprints' (or whatever user/group as long as the
> set-up is consistent)?
> - SE-linux isn't getting in your way?
> ^^ those are common issues on first installs.
> Seb.
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