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Message: #02698

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[EP-tech] question on IRSTATS2

good morning, i've a few questions about irstats2:

1) the double-click filtering is by default configured at 1 hour

do you use this configuration? i'm reading the projectcounter guidelines
where the suggestion is to use a 10sec time window:
- http://www.projectcounter.org/r4/COPR4.pdf
All users’ double-clicks on an http-link should be counted as only 1
request. The time window for occurrence of a double-click should be set
at 10 seconds between the first and the second mouse-click.

are you aware of other guidelines about statistics methods for repositories?

moreover, are the questions reported in this message still valid?

2) my common use case is to have downloads per userid (depositors).
$c->{irstats2}->{sets} = [{'field' => 'userid'}];

in the compare_years report (EPrints::Plugin::Stats::View::Compare)
i would like to have below the graph a table with most downloded items
for that year. could you guide me how to modify
View::Compare::render_sub_plugins() ?

thank you
