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Message: #02690

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[EP-tech] harvester (question)

hi Seb,

I need to harvest an OAI server in a format other than Dublin Core (TEF format). I can not get specific metadata with the same name.

For example :

                      <tef:autoriteExterne autoriteSource="Sudoc">073367826</tef:autoriteExterne>
                      <tef:autoriteExterne autoriteSource="Sudoc">035036672</tef:autoriteExterne>
in the same record !

I need to extract all this data.

I tried things like :

my $nom;
foreach my $node ($xml->findnodes( "//auteur/nom/*" ))
               $nom = $node->textContent;     

but it does not work (no result)

any idea ?

Thanks !



Jean Marie Le Bechec
Service Commun de la Documentation
Responsable ingenierie documentaire
Direction du Systeme d'Information
Referent Etudes

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
6 allee Emile Monso - bp 34038 -
31029 Toulouse cedex 4
Tel : 05 34 32 31 16
Mail : lebechec@inp-toulouse.fr