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Message: #02678

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[EP-tech] Re: plugin_alias_map restrictions?

Okay, I¹ve got the syntax there - however, the render_title sub appears in
the file Eprint.pm which sits in perl_lib/Plugins/Screen - should this not
be the one that I overwrite (hence only using SCREEN::EPrint in my call)?

On 28/02/2014 10:55, "Sebastien Francois" <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

>Should look something like:
>e.g. in 
>package EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::LocalEdit;
>@ISA = ( 'EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::Edit' );
>use strict;
>sub render_title
>     # whatever you need to do
>in the conf (e.g. archives/<id>/cfg/cfg.d/plugins.pl):
>$c->{plugin_alias_map}->{"Screen::EPrint::Edit"} =
>$c->{plugin_alias_map}->{"Screen::EPrint::LocalEdit"} = undef;
>Then when EPrints calls Screen::EPrint::Edit, it will call your
>LocalEdit plug-in instead, in a transparent manner.
>On 28/02/14 10:47, Andrew Beeken wrote:
>> Hello! I¹ve been working with archive localised plugins but have come
>>up against one that¹s giving me grief. I¹m trying to extend
>>Screen::EPrint with the intent of overriding the render_title function,
>>adding the Eprint type to the output.
>> I¹ve gone through the motions of creating a new child plugin with all
>>the correct dependencies, adding the alias map line into plugins.pl,
>>however EPrints does not seem to be inheriting this plugin at all. Are
>>there limitations on what can be changed this way?
>> Andrew
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