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Message: #02625

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[EP-tech] Re: Citation import plugin error for Google Scholar, Scopus and WoS

Hi Ilina


Google Scholar is no longer supported (noted in the readme).


WoS: does your institution have a subscription to InCites (which gives access to Web Services Premium)? It could also be that you’re trying to access editions that you don’t have access to. You could try uncommenting and experimenting with this list

$c->{wos}->{editions} = [qw/ SCI SSCI AHCI IC CCR ISTP ISSHP /];

in repo/cfg/cfg.d/wos.pl.


Some people are using Links Article Match Retrieval (LAMR) service with this citation framework but a plugin for it isn’t part of the package (yet). I think Paolo Tealdi may have written one.


Scopus: the error message indicates that you’ve reached a 100 request limit (per day I guess).  I don’t know why you have this limit but I would guess it relates to your institution’s subscription to Scopus. I suggest contacting Scopus using this form http://www.developers.elsevier.com/action/contactus?pageOrigin=cmsPage&zone=footer for more information.


In the case of both the WoS and Scopus errors I think the plugins could handle these errors better.






Mark Gregson | Applications and Development Team Leader
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From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of ILINA SYAZWANI BINTI MUSA Staff
Sent: Wednesday, 5 February 2014 7:24 PM
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Citation import plugin error for Google Scholar, Scopus and WoS


Hi everyone,

Recently, I installed Citation Import Plugin from 
https://github.com/QUTlib/citation-import on two repositories.  The first repository still can retrieve the data from Scopus, but nothing was shown for Google Scholar dan WoS. When I run import_citationdata command, it gives this result for both:

Starting EPrints Repository.

Connecting to DB ... done.

Ending EPrints Repository

The second repository, which is our main institution repository, has serious issues. The first time we run the command for Scopus, it only retrieved 76 from 1000 items. The items are displayed in Citation Data (Manage Records). So the next day when we wanted to run the command for the whole archives (6000 items), it didn't retrieve anything. We run the command for several times, but we only got first 76 data. There are many articles have citations count from Scopus that are not included in citation datasets.

For Web of Science, we already registered our IP institutions on the URL given in the instruction (Web of Science Web Services). In fact, we also registered the IP for AMR services. However, it is still not working. 

For example, the article, which is EPrint ID 6, supposedly has citation count from Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science. The error is shown as below:
Google scholar:
Starting EPrints Repository.
Connecting to DB ... done.
[umrepo gscholar] Error: EPrints::Plugin::Import::CitationService::get_response must be over-ridden.
[umrepo gscholar] Warning: No matches found for EPrint ID 6

Starting EPrints Repository.
Connecting to DB ... done.
[umrepo scopus] Error: Scopus responded with error condition for EPrint ID 6: ERROR, Maximum number of 100 requests exceeded, Request URL: http://searchapi.scopus.com/documentSearch.url?format=XML&apiKey=77e7ffc14516af32e1bdc76864ee684c&search=eid(2-s2.0-77954044653)
[umrepo scopus] Error: Scopus responded with error condition for EPrint ID 6: ERROR, Maximum number of 100 requests exceeded, Request URL: http://searchapi.scopus.com/documentSearch.url?format=XML&apiKey=77e7ffc14516af32e1bdc76864ee684c&search=title(%22Molecular+identification+of+adenovirus+causing+respiratory+tract+infection+in+pediatric+patients+at+the+University+of+Malaya+Medical+Center%22)+and+authlastname(+Abd-Jamil)+and+pubyear+is+2010
[umrepo scopus] Warning: No matches found for EPrint ID 6


Web of Science:
Starting EPrints Repository.
Connecting to DB ... done.
[umrepo wos] Error: Unable to retrieve UID from Web of Science(R) for EPrint ID 6: soap:Server User has no entitlement for this service level - WOKSearchPremium Detail: $VAR1 = { 'AuthenticationException' => '' }; , userQuery = DO=(PMCID: PMC2914739)
[umrepo wos] Error: Unable to retrieve UID from Web of Science(R) for EPrint ID 6: soap:Server User has no entitlement for this service level - WOKSearchPremium Detail: $VAR1 = { 'AuthenticationException' => '' }; , userQuery = AU=( Abd*Jamil, J*) AND TI=("Molecular identification of adenovirus causing respiratory tract infection in pediatric patients at the University of Malaya Medical Center") AND PY=2010
[umrepo wos] Warning: No matches found for EPrint ID 6


Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.




Ilina Syazwani Musa
Project Officer

Information System Division

University of Malaya Library


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