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Message: #02570

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[EP-tech] Re: to backup all the repository

Alexander Ochoa Aguero dijo [Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 02:51:03PM +0000]:
> Hi, I have been trying to find an step by step to backup my repository made 
> with eprints on ubuntu 10.04. It contens more than 150 items and the system 
> must be updated to 12.04.
> Waiting for your answers, sincerelly

Hi Alexander,

I don't think you will have much problem doing this - But in any case,
do make a backup, and keep it regularly updated! :-)

I have just updated my EPrints system from Debian 6 to 7. It was
almost hassle-free — Just modified /etc/apt/sources.list to point to
the current stable release instead of the previous one. I only had a
bit of problems during the MySQL update step.

Debian-based distributions, such as Ubuntu, ensure you can update the
system being live, without having to reinstall.

Anyway — Just as a heads-up, probably the update to the next LTS
version (14.04, due in April) *will* be problematic. Debian updated
Apache 2.2 to 2.4, and there are slight but important changes in its
packaging. I'll try to do some testing later on to check if EPrints
can be installed as it is currently shipped with the new Apache 2.4