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Message: #02568

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[EP-tech] Re: Document editting actions broken ⇒ Hidden #lightbox, #overlay

I have almost not touched my EPrints installation since I asked this
question, but I think I have a clue. In any case, the description of
the problem I'm facing is at:


I have found the problem to be caused because in my local stylesheet I
have forcefully hidden two elements, #lightbox and #overlay. The
dialogs I'm trying to get are sent to #lightbox, and the actual
background should be obscured by #overlay.

Why did I hide them? Because they were always on, obscuring *all* of
my page and making the repository basically unusable.

And why is that? As far as I can understand, because both the
lightbox and overlay divs are generated *twice*, and I don't know what
is generating them (they are not in the base generated HTML, they are
added via Javascript). And as they are refered to by their ID (and the
ID is duplicated, which should never happen), the browser does not
react as it should.

So... I'm requesting your help to understand what's going on with
those two elements. Please, take a look at my EPrints base page, at:


Or tell me where should I be looking. Once again, my Javascript
knowledge is far from solid.
