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[EP-tech] Re: Understanding how data objects link

Ah - OK....

On 15/01/14 12:42, Sebastien Francois wrote:
On 15/01/14 12:30, Ian Stuart wrote:
On 15/01/14 12:02, Sebastien Francois wrote:
On 15/01/14 12:00, Ian Stuart wrote:
Yes!! good hint!
That sent me off to look at the History dataObj - and that showed that I

		{ name=>"datasetid", type=>"text", text_index=>0, },
Just a detail - /datasetid/ should be of type "id" not "text"
Nope - text

In DataObj::SubObject::get_parent -

    $datasetid = $self->get_value( "datasetid" ) unless defined $datasetid;
    $objectid = $self->get_value( "objectid" ) unless defined $objectid;

    my $ds = $session->get_repository->get_dataset( $datasetid );
    my $parent = $ds->get_object( $session, $objectid );

.... and both of these calls are looking for string names

(but I'll test some more)

"Id" doesn't imply "numerical" - Id fields don't get text indexed and
are retrieved via an EXact match.


perldoc EPrints/MetaField/Id.pm:

EPrints::MetaField::Id(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation

         EPrints::MetaField::Id - an identifier string

         Use Id fields whenever you are storing textual data that needs
to be matched exactly (e.g. filenames).


See User::username for a real example.

Note that a number of fields in EPrints are wrongly of type "text" (e.g.
eprint.dir, eprint.source etc...)


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Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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