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Message: #02508

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[EP-tech] Re: Delayed authentication

The first thing I'd check is whether something is attempting reverse DNS
lookups on client connections and failing (Apache or MySQL). Check that
"dig -x" stalls on the server. Try setting the
"HostnameLookups Off" option in Apache (should be default...) or
skip-name-resolve in mysql. Check if there's anything unusual in your
network/firewall configuration.

Andrés Ovalle López wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a system EPrints version 3.3.12, the system was recently
> updated. Is on a separate server and it works great.
> However, when a user logs into the system it can take about a minute to connect.
> It also happens in shipping management, presenting only the list of
> ships takes one to three minutes.
> I think this is not normal and there is something in the system failing.
> Has anyone had a similar problem and knows how to solve it?
> Thank you in advance!
> --
> Andrés Ovalle López
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