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Message: #02485

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[EP-tech] Fwd: The results of your email commands

Hi, I don't know why my mail is returned....

Is correct the eprints-tech-request   email address and is it the place to post the requests?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Date: 2013/11/29
Subject: The results of your email commands
To: lcalvom@pas.ucm.es

The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.

- Results:
    Ignoring non-text/plain MIME parts

- Unprocessed:
    If we are filling a multiple field in the deposit workflow, I wonder if it
    is possible to pass (in the eprint workflow script), by a parameter, for a
    cgi lookup, the whole name of the input field (html name) or the order of
    the actual ocurrence.....
    The (html input name) name rendered is:
    < input name= "((component_name))_((field_name))_((number of instance))"
    I need this "number of instance" or the complete name  to autocomplete that
    exact field on the form...
    I have seen the lookup/name cgi, for instance for creators_name (a compound
    field), but here,  the last part  is the field_name_subfield_name, not the
    number of row.....
    Is there any solution, is it possible to lookup/autocomplete multiple

- Ignored:


- Done.

---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
From: Lourdes Calvo Montero <lcalvom@pas.ucm.es>
To: eprints-tech-request@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 13:20:13 +0100
Subject: Order of a multiple input field for lookup

If we are filling a multiple field in the deposit workflow, I wonder if it is possible to pass (in the eprint workflow script), by a parameter, for a cgi lookup, the whole name of the input field (html name) or the order of the actual ocurrence.....

The (html input name) name rendered is:

< input name= "((component_name))_((field_name))_((number of instance))"  ..........

I need this "number of instance" or the complete name  to autocomplete that exact field on the form...

I have seen the lookup/name cgi, for instance for creators_name (a compound field), but here,  the last part  is the field_name_subfield_name, not the number of row.....

Is there any solution, is it possible to lookup/autocomplete multiple fields?

