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Message: #02414

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[EP-tech] Re: Eprints 3.1 and document embargo

Hi John,

	Thanks for the tips. Seems to works perfectly. The field was disabled.

Pierre Nault

-----Message d'origine-----
De : eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] De la part de John Salter
Envoyé : 14 novembre 2013 09:37
À : 'eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk'
Objet : [EP-tech] Re: Eprints 3.1 and document embargo

In EPrints, the embargo exists at a document level, so when you've uploaded a document, you should get the option to embargo there.
If you look at your workflow:
~/archives/[ID]/cfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml, at the 'files' section, there should be:
<field ref="date_embargo" />

If it's not there, have a look at ~/lib/defaultcfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml to see what the out-the-box configuration was.
It may be as simple as adding the field back into the workflow (date_embargo is one of the core fields in the Document data object, so it's unlikely that it's been removed!).


-----Original Message-----
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Nault, Pierre
Sent: 14 November 2013 14:02
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Eprints 3.1 and document embargo


 I'm trying to find information on how to set embargo period for a document for eprints 3.1 and I can't seem to find this on http://www.eprints.org/. Actually in our repository, there is no embargo in the deposit workflow. We want to enable this functionality, how can we achieve this ?


Pierre Nault

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