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Message: #02389

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[EP-tech] Alternative authentication and access control for Request a Copy approvals

I’ve just created an issue in the EPrints GitHub (https://github.com/eprints/eprints/issues/160) to get some feedback on a change we are planning to make to the Request a Copy feature in our repository.


The goal of the change is to increase the number of approved copy requests by allowing more requests to use the mediated approval and full-text delivery process (as opposed to the process where the contact person is asked to email the requestor directly). A key part of this change is allowing the contact person to approve a request using the mediated process whether they have an account in the repository or not and without having to create one while maintaining sufficient security. The details and background are in GitHub.


I thought I’d communicate to people here to see if anyone is in a similar position to us at QUT and would benefit from these changes. If QUT’s situation turns out to be common and Soton agrees we will write it as a configurable option in core code. I invite anyone who thinks this change may be useful to have a look at the GitHub issue and comment.





Mark Gregson | Applications and Development Team Leader
Library eServices | Queensland University of Technology
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