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Message: #02304

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[EP-tech] Upgrading to EPrints 3.3.12


I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem.
I'm running on Ubuntu and have installed EPrints 3.3.12 as user eprints.
I noticed that the ownership of some files is www-data and the apache processes are owned by www-data, the default.
I had some problems with permissions and had to change the ownership of some files. I now find when I try to create a new eprint I get an error "Can't retrieve item with the ID "13" It appears to create the document with owner and group as www-data. If I change the owner to 'eprints' I can see the record for "13" 
Has anyone else had this problem? Should I have installed as use www-data?
Should I change my Apache to run as eprints?


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