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[EP-tech] Re: Creating/maintaining EPrint Bazaar packages

On 08/10/13 14:33, sf2 wrote:

You can manage the package's content via the UI: Admin > System Tools >
EPrints Bazaar > Developer Tools. No need to run any command line tools.

From there you'll be able to select files, create the EPM package and
publish it to the Bazaar (will require an account on the bazaar). If you
update the code, do the same, increment the version number and re-publish

I think that's all. Ho and add an icon (see
http://wiki.eprints.org/w/My_First_Bazaar_Package - step 2)

Yes - I can do that..... its what I used to make the .epm file in the first place. However that requires maintaining a complete EPrints install for the package, which I was hoping to keep mostly seperate from other development work I'm doing

I guess its the way it goes.... as the GUI is also the way of pushing the the Bazaar too :)

Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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