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Message: #02214

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[EP-tech] Re: Edit Subject : very slow but...

Il 23/09/2013 15:05, Jean-Marie Le Bechec ha scritto:

The creation of new subjects is becoming more and more longer : 10
minutes to open certain pages of the tree (administration side). I
looked a little closer and I just commented the following line:

$ t-> appendChild ($ session-> make_text ($ _-> count_eprints ($
archive_ds))); (line 481 - Eprints 3.2.4)
in the "/ perl_lib / EPrints / Plugin / Screen / Subject / Edit.pm" file.


the page now opens in 20 seconds.

If it helps someone ...

I think the problem is in the count_eprints routine, which teoretically should be fast. But because it is built on a generic search, it takes ages to build a lot of sql query, on for every item in the part of tree you're looking at, then merging them.
