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Message: #02161

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[EP-tech] Re: Issues support in EPrints

I'm not sure if it was ever answered. I opted for a different approach
(outside EPrints) eventually as I found out that the issues support
was way too slow on our system (3.2.9).


On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Stewart Brownrigg
<S.J.Brownrigg@kent.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Was there a reply to these questions?
> I am particularly interested in how to resolve, or ignore, false positives so that they do not appear in the list.   We have  1531 similar_title which are making the issues list unmanageable.
> Many thanks,
> Stewart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Dennis - UT
> Sent: 07 June 2012 14:24
> To: EPrints.org Technical List
> Subject: [EP-tech] Issues support in EPrints
> Hi,
> I've just enabled the issues functionality in EPrints 3.2 to see what it does. I'm a little surprised by the way it works.
> First of all, there doesn't seem to be an easy way for repository staff to check if there are open issues other than using the "Search for issues" function. I hoped for a quick indication of the number of open issues on one of the pages after a repository staff member log in to the repository. Is this perhaps already added in 3.3.x? Or is there anyone who built such functionality?
> Another thing I noticed is that it seems to be impossible to do something with an issue other than "solving the problem". What to do in case of false-positives? The database and code seems to be prepared for this as it has an issue status file allowing these values:
> discovered ignored reported autoresolved resolved
> I assume that "ignored" would be the correct way to mark a false positive. Yet there seems to be no functionality in EPrints to allow one to set this status.
> I also noticed the following fields in the issues code / database:
> reported_by, resolved_by and comments. They are mentioned in the changelog for version EPrints (3.1.0-beta-1) but they don't seem to be used either.
> Am I missing something or is this still a work in progress?
> Dennis
> University of Twente
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