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Message: #02159

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[EP-tech] Re: Auto complete not working on file based autocomplete with a compound field

Hi Dennis,

I did notice a few auto-completion glitches after upgrading the Prototype JS library (used by EPrints) in 3.3.12...

When you trigger the auto-completion on your form, could you scroll up/down on the entire page (without clicking on it...) to see if the auto-completion pops up somewhere else on the page? I know this sounds a bit odd but I have a feeling the calculation of the position broke somehow.


On 21/08/13 14:10, Dennis - UT wrote:

I'm working on an upgrade from 3.2.9 to 3.3.12. Most things seem to
work fine, except the autocompletion on a compound field.

In the workflow is:
<field ref="research_group"

The file contains lines such as:
Biomechanical Engineering (BE) (11001000)       <li>Biomechanical
Engineering (BE) (11001000)<ul><li
id='for:value:relative:_name'>Biomechanical Engineering (BE)</li><li

This has always worked in 3.2.9, but now I briefly see the loading
indicator and then nothing happens. The title and author autocomplete
does work correctly.

I used firebug to see what was sent back to the browser when typing "biomech":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<ul><li class='ep_first'>Biomechanical Engineering (BE)
(11001000)<ul><li id='for:value:relative:_name'>Biomechanical
Engineering (BE)</li><li

This seems fine, right?

Is this a known issue? Does anyone else have the same problem? Or did
I make a mistake somewhere?


University of Twente
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