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Message: #02120

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[EP-tech] skipping certain documents for full text indexing

We are using eprints 3.3.6 to build a digital archive system and in many ways it seems well suited to the purpose. However, we have hit a snag. There will be documents which contain sensitive data (names etc) which we not only want to hide from downloading, but also to ensure the full text is not searchable. Otherwise, if somebody puts an unusual name in and it brings up a document, we would be breaching data protection.
The question is how? We can set the document visibility to "repository staff only" and that takes care of ensuring the document cannot be downloaded. It can still be searched though. Is there any functionality in the current version that can take care of this or maybe a plugin? We need to be able to skip certain documents from being indexed, perhaps on the basis of a metadata value. I found a helpful post at http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/7791.html but this seems to relate to older versions as files like /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Fulltext.pm no longer seem to exist.
All suggestions gratefully received!
Bernard Scaife
Technical Services Librarian
L301A, Information Services
Institute of Education
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email: b.scaife@ioe.ac.uk
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