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Message: #01985
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[EP-tech] Attribute options in field element - Eprint workflow
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: [EP-tech] Attribute options in field element - Eprint workflow
- From: Lourdes Calvo Montero <lcalvom@pas.ucm.es>
- Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 13:55:04 +0200
Hi, I have a named set field ?Area de conocimiento? with some options.
I´m trying to get two different views for that field in the eprint workflow, depending of the type of user editing that eprint.
If the usertype is ?user? the edit view must only display default value (SinAsignar), otherwise the edit view of that field must be complete.
Here are the lines I have written in the eprint workflow default.xml
<stage name="local">
<component> <epc:choose> <epc:when test=" $item{userid}.as_item(){usertype} = 'user'"> <field ref="Area de conocimiento" options="SinAsignar"/> </epc:when> <epc:otherwise> <field ref="Area de conocimiento" /> </epc:otherwise> </epc:choose> </component>
It works well in the case user and editor create a new element each. But when a user deposit one element, and the editor review it and edit that element, the field does not display all the options of the namedset, just ?SinAsignar?.
What am I doing wrong?
_______________________________ Lourdes Calvo Montero Servicios Informáticos Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Edificio del Real Jardín Botánico Alfonso XIII Avda. Complutense s/n 28040 Madrid Teléfono: 91 394-7119 email: lcalvom@pas.ucm.es
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