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Message: #01957
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[EP-tech] Re: Display of items under review
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Display of items under review
- From: Sebastien Francois <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 12:49:49 +0100
Add to your local configuration (archives/<id>/cfg/cfg.d/..., perhaps in a new .pl file) something on those lines:
$c->add_dataset_trigger( 'eprint', EPrints::Const::EP_TRIGGER_CREATED, sub { my( %args ) = @_; my $eprint = $args{dataobj}; my $userid = $eprint->value( 'userid' ); if( defined $userid && "$userid" eq "1234" ) {// automatically move to the Review if deposit is made by the SWORD user
$eprint->move_to_buffer(); } } );Note that the code above hasn't been tested... You should replace "1234" with the userid of your SWORD user & restart apache for the changes to be loaded.
Seb. On 22/05/13 12:39, Andras Holl wrote:
Hi, Could you help me how to use EP_TRIGGER_CREATED ? What exactly should I do?If there's something spending apart in your SWORD deposit (for example perhaps you're using a generic 'sword' user or something...), then you can use the EP_TRIGGER_CREATED to over write the eprint_status and set it to 'buffer' (aka Review). Otherwise SWORD will default to the 'inbox', I think because items need to be validated before they can be deposited to the buffer/review.Thanks, Andras -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andras Holl / Holl Andras e-mail: holl@konkoly.hu Konkoly Observatory / MTA CsFK CsI Tel.: +36 1 3919368 Fax: +36 1 2754668 IT manager / Szamitastechn. rendszervez. Mail: H1525 POBox 67, Budapest, Hungary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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