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Message: #01952

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[EP-tech] YNT: Re: Access problem to the links on EPrints

Our university has some troubles about internet infrastructure and unfortunately it is expected that it will continue for a year. We need to find ways to access eprints in and out of the campus.

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-------- Original message --------
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Access problem to the links on EPrints
From: Sebastien Francois <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk

Any reasons why you access the repository via IP on-campus instead of using the hostname?


On 21/05/13 13:13, Zehra TASKIN wrote:

Dear all,

We created a repository. It is accesible on that link;


We are accesing our repository on the campus via IP; “bbyeprints” address is only valid for outside the campus.

I can configure some links (like son eklenenler (latest); arsiv politikası (archive policy)) and we can access links both the campus and outside the campus. I changed the <a href="" code with <a href="" It is now working. However, i can not find the correct way to change banner IP and the menus. Please could you help me about this issue. If you click on our repository and banner, you can see what i am asking about.

With best regards.