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Message: #01940

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[EP-tech] Re: Display of items under review

I've seen the same behaviour as you. I agree that it would be nice if the
deposits could be made directly to the review buffer, rather than to the
depositing user's area. Maybe there's a way to do it, but I haven't found
it yet.

As for your second point, I actually prefer things to keep working the way
they are. For me, it's just nice that there's a layer of human
intervention to prevent potential deposit abuse - and I although I can't
read the mind of the EPrint developers, I think this is done by design. So
it's just something you have to warn your users about. I don't know how
many uploads you're trying to do, I suppose if there's a whole lot of
them, then yes it can become tedious to approve and publish the new


On 5/17/13 9:23 AM, "Andras Holl" <holl@konkoly.hu> wrote:

>We start to upload items by SWORD. (EPrints version 3.3.11)
>Our first problem, that items go to the uploading users
>personal area, not review. Using "buffer" instead of "inbox"
>does not affect this behaviour.
>The second problem is the following: the repository deposit
>is initiated from the National Scientific Bibliographic Database.
>The repository returns an URL to the database pointing to the
>deposited item to the repository. But this URL will not work
>till the repository editor moves the item to the living repository.
>The depositing user clicks on the URL in the database, and gets
>"404 File not Found". It would be better to get something like
>"The item is under review. It will be available after it gets accepted".
>All the best,
>Andras Holl / Holl Andras                e-mail: holl@konkoly.hu
>Konkoly Observatory / MTA CsFK CsI       Tel.: +36 1 3919368 Fax: +36 1
>IT manager / Szamitastechn. rendszervez. Mail: H1525 POBox 67, Budapest,
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