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[EP-tech] Re: Controlled access to data in EPrints

Dear Rachel and everyone,

Here at the Glasgow School of Art, we are also keen to explore EPrints’ capabilities for storing research data, with different types of user access. Notwithstanding the need for research data to be made openly available where possible, the nature of some of our researchers’ data does require restrictions in some cases, given that some of it is commercially or ethically sensitive. We would therefore be very interested in the below functionality too, and would be happy to contribute to further discussions where we can.


Thanks for raising this – I’m sure many others will be looking at ways to manage access to data via EPrints, too.


Best wishes,




Nicola Siminson

Institutional Repository and Records Manager

The Glasgow School of Art

167 Renfrew Street
G3 6RQ

Tel: 0141 566 1417


From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of John Salter
Sent: 08 May 2013 17:19
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Controlled access to data in EPrints [bcc]


*** Apologies for cross posting ***


Dear colleagues


We are looking at how to manage temporary or longer term restricted access to data within an institutional research data repository. Our starting point is that, where possible, data should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible. However, we're aware that there are various reasons why it may not be possible - or appropriate - to share data openly.


We are piloting EPrints for research data. We need the means to create different access levels within EPrints which can then be assigned to users.


Broadly, we're looking at an access model where research data can be:


(i) Public - openly available without any registration requirement


(ii) Registered - the user is required to register to access content; this could be linked to authentication protocols such as Shibboleth. Access may be time limited.


(iii) Approved – the potential user makes a case to use the data; approval relates to specified data within the repository. Access may be time limited.


(iv) Embargoed – metadata and data held in the dark for a specific period


We are interested in whether other institutions are planning - or have put in practice - granular access to research data and what this looks like.


We would also like to feed back requirements to Southampton EPrints Services; if we can scope requirements before July, Leeds has funds to put towards development costs.


Is anyone else interested in this functionality?


Thanks for any comments


Best wishes





Rachel Proudfoot

Project Manager

RoaDMaP: Leeds Research Data Management Pilot

Tel: 0113 343 4554



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