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Message: #01923

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[EP-tech] Re: Simple Repository deposit


Can I just confirm: what this does is build an EPrintXML file, with the documents as base_64-encoded elements encoded within the record...

.... and EPrints 3.3 can decode this as a single SWORD deposit item?

On 04/05/13 15:59, David Kane wrote:
Hi All,

The process of EPrints repository deposit through other applications is
not straightforward even with SWORD.  Especially with SWORD, it
sometimes seems.  So we cut through the Gordian Knot with our own sword.

It seems as though many people have been facing a similar challenge to
our own, where they merely wish to give staff the ability to make
deposits into an EPrints repository through a website.  Therefore, Tommy
Ingulfsen, (of Cal. Tech. Library) and I have been working on a PHP
wrapper class, designed to make remote EPrint deposit through PHP
trivial.  And it does that.  It implements parts of the standard
protocol, in combination with some uniquely EPrints capabilities (the

Because it is a encapsulated in just a single class, is should be should
be matter of plug-and-play to incorporate into the CodeIgniter or other
PHP famework/CMS.

The first version (Alpha!) is available now, for you to download:

Please feel free to kick it about.  Be aware though that it is still in
alpha-release and will be subject to refinements and extensions, as and
when we get time to work on it.


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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