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Message: #01907

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[EP-tech] enabling new field "eprint_contributors"



                I’m posting this one again to see if we can get any answer.


                I’ve just enable the field “contributors” in /workflow/eprint/default.xml. The field is a combination of 3 fields : contributors_type; contributors_name and contributors_id. In input area of the field  contributors_type, I have an error message : “[pin missing : fieldname]”. Even with this error message, I still have access to the drop list of all types of contributors. Any idea where I can find or put the missing pin ?


Also, I want the value of this field to be default to a certain value in the list of contributors type. I tried something in eprint_field_default.pl :


$data->{contributor_type_typename} = "Thesis advisor";


But It doesn’t work. How can I default the value of the field contributor_type_typename ?




Pierre Nault