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Message: #01887

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[EP-tech] Views of multiple compound fields


our series field is of the compound type, consisting of the components for series name and a number for proper ordering. It is a multiple field. Our view of the series uses a custom row template that shall display the name and the number by which the item in question is arranged in order of the other items of that series.

But having an item that is associated with more than one series, the view would list unfortunately all its numbers in a bulk, thus the user can't tell in the first place which number relates to the currently viewed series.

Is there a preferably clean and elegant way to overcome that issue? :-)


Additional question, not as urgent: Doesn't seem I can define a render_single_value hook for compound fields on the compound versus the atomic value level, can I? A table just doesn't fit quite well in the page (esp. the <th> line is somewhat, well, annoying given the tininess of the table), I'd rather favor an ul/ol context or at least <br> separated lines cf. the "Subject (classification)" field. Fortunately however, I can style it a bit with CSS, simply added to the tr elements an id containing the fieldname.

Kind regards,

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- Informationstechnik