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Message: #01865

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[EP-tech] Re: https problem?

What OS are you using? Have you done all of this?



On 18/04/2013 17:19, Sheppard, Nick wrote:

Dear eprints techs


We continue to have problems getting eprints (3.3.11) working on a dev server –we have set up to use https and it redirects from http://eprints-eval  to https://eprints-eval correctly but seems to specify non-https links in the menu (Manage deposits, Manage records, Profile etc) which bounces you back to the non-https site which redirect you again, but by this time has lost the session so you need to log in again (oddly, the ‘edit page phrases’ and ‘logout’ links do work OK and point at the https version…)

Is it perhaps a config issue and if so any idea of the files we should be looking at?







Nick Sheppard

Repository Developer

The Headingley Library

James Graham Building

Leeds Metropolitan University

Beckett Park



Tel: 0113 812 4731

email: n.e.sheppard@leedsmet.ac.uk

blog: http://repositorynews.wordpress.com/

twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/mrnick


Technical Officer - UK Council of research Repositories (UKCoRR) - http://www.ukcorr.org/


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