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Message: #01860

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[EP-tech] Re: To make a field multiple afterwards

Hi Florian,

Recent versions of EPrints will do this for you as you run "epadmin update" (added in May 2011).


On 18/04/13 09:35, Florian Heß wrote:

in order to turn a single-value field into a multiple field, I do so by
adding multiple => 1 to the field definition in cfg.d/eprint_fields.pl,
then I do `bin/epadmin update $repoid`. This command will create the
additional tables. But how can I make EPrints transfer the data to the
new place, facing the tables still empty after that command? I wouldn't
enjoy much doing that manually, it's error-prone regarding the sub-fields.

Kind regards,
Florian Heß