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[EP-tech] Re: index.html

I am done..sorry everybody.. and thank you so much for prompt replies.
Thank you.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 5:38 PM, mahesh kumar <kadirimahi@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry everyone. I edited the index.xpage. The changes are getting applied before generate_static. Once i run the command everything is as usual again. Please suggest what i can do 

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 5:30 PM, mahesh kumar <kadirimahi@gmail.com> wrote:
Ya got it. Changes applied :)
Thanks all..

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 5:13 PM, mahesh kumar <kadirimahi@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes i understand. But can you please tell me for example how to edit a header section in index.xpage. I can only modify the content but not header and footer.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Ian Stuart <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
On 12/04/13 11:55, mahesh kumar wrote:
> Yes. I am encountering that problem. But in index.xpage is that i can
> edit only the body part. Because in that file i cannot see any section
> that defines logo, menu bar,headers and all. It starts from rss feeds
> upto the footer. But in index.html the header is also defined but its
> not getting modified. So can i add sections for header in index.xpage as
> well?

If you want to edit the template (that is, the menu & above, and the
footer & below) then read http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Branding,_the_next_level

(also read http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Branding_with_confidence - which
was first written before the previous page, but has been updated fairly


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


This email was sent via the University of Edinburgh.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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