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Message: #01809

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[EP-tech] Re: Edit, Update and delete repo from third party tool.

On 03/04/13 11:13, Abdul Bashet wrote:

I was wandering if there is any plugin/example to edit/update/delete
existing repository from third party without using SWORD. Currently I am
working on ePrints version 3.2.4 and SWORD 1.3. We do not want to go for
upgrade to the latest version for this moment.

One of my colleague advise me to use REST.PM. I am not sure if it is the
right one. Also I am not familiar with Perl. I am developing a moodle
plugin by using php. SWORD supposed to be the best option for this
purpose. I was able to deposit by using SWORD 1.3 but could not

If you're on EPrints 3.2 then any editing of records is going to involve deep Perl coding..... however a look at the <EPrints_Home>/bin/generate_views script will show you how to access a known record

Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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