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Message: #01693

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[EP-tech] Missing a recently published item in latest_tool

Hi everybody,

there is a recently published record that refuses to be listed in the latest items view. I very much appreciate any hint of the reason why it is not covered in the results.

My cfg.d/latest_tool config is standard:

$c->{latest_tool_modes} = {
        default => { citation => "result" },


Issuing a search in the form, the document is retrievable publicly. The datestamp value of the lowermost entry of latest items view is 10 Jan. 2013 15:47. Originally, the datestamp of the record in question was somewhen in early january, my changing that to a recent date howevery did not take effect.

By some debugging I already narrowed the problem to EPrints::Search, with same params as latest_tool provides. So I guess it is not a caching affair, anyone disagrees? :-)

mysql> select * from eprint where eprintid=2159\G
-- metadata merely related to contents as well as privacy-sensible erased.
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                 eprintid: 2159
               rev_number: 10
            eprint_status: archive
                   userid: 2
                 importid: NULL
                   source: NULL
                      dir: disk0/00/00/21/59
           datestamp_year: 2013
          datestamp_month: 3
            datestamp_day: 8
           datestamp_hour: 8
         datestamp_minute: 15
         datestamp_second: 0
             lastmod_year: 2013
            lastmod_month: 3
              lastmod_day: 8
             lastmod_hour: 13
           lastmod_minute: 14
           lastmod_second: 2
      status_changed_year: 2013
     status_changed_month: 3
       status_changed_day: 8
      status_changed_hour: 11
    status_changed_minute: 10
    status_changed_second: 43
                     type: bookPart
                 succeeds: NULL
               commentary: NULL
      metadata_visibility: show
                 latitude: NULL
                longitude: NULL
        item_issues_count: NULL
          sword_depositor: NULL
               sword_slug: NULL
           edit_lock_user: 4       -- BUT: "Lock: Not currently locked."
          edit_lock_since: 1362748405
          edit_lock_until: 0
              ispublished: NULL
         full_text_status: public
                data_type: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

(If relevant fields are missing, please point me.)

Solution anyone?

Thanks in advance,
UB Heidelberg (Altstadt)
Plöck 107-109, 69117 HD
- Informationstechnik