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Message: #01665

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[EP-tech] Re: Update Existing eprints entry.


If you're using EPrints 3.3, then have a look at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Apache/CRUD.pm, it shows the operations you can perform and the privileges you need in order to perform them (look for DELETE).


On 06/03/13 17:44, Abdul Bashet wrote:



I was able to deposit files via sowrd. Thanks to Ian Stuart for this.


How can I update or delete existing eprints entry? Is there any plugins like as SWORD?




Abdul Bashet

E-Learning Developer


t: 020 7863 1330 (ext: 8089)

e: a.bashet@ulcc.ac.uk

w: www.ulcc.ac.uk


The University of London is an exempt charity in England and Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (reg. no. SC041194)


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