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Message: #01652

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[EP-tech] Re: Deposit to eprints via SWORD authenticated via LDAP.

On 05/03/13 13:38, Abdul Bashet wrote:

I am trying to develop a plugin for moodle to integrate with eprints. My
goal is to deposit resources from moodle to eprints. In this case I am
using SWORD to deposit. But my problem is, My moodle users are
authenticated by LDAP. So when I am depositing by using SWORD, that time
I need to have username and password to connect *swordappclient.*

So how can I get those information to connect swordappclient? Or is
there any other way to bypass the user and connect to swordappclient?

Yes, you can.

Although this talks about SWORD 1.3 verses SWORD 2.0, is also shows how one can make a simple POST request to do the deposit.


I use a similar process from within a Perl script using LWP::UserAgent (you can also use WWW::Mechanise, and other tools)


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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