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[EP-tech] Re: repository administration: frontend or backend?

Dear Yuri,

thank you, it works!


On 2/19/13 10:46 AM, "Yuri" <yurj@alfa.it> wrote:

> Il 19/02/2013 10:25, Pavlovic,Karlo ha scritto:
>> Dear all,
>> I am trying to costumise our repository and I have a general question (with
>> two examples):
>> Should things be changed using the frontend (i.e., admin>config.tools), if
>> possible, or should generally be used the backend (as generally described in
>> the wiki: http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Category:Howto).
>> E.g., if using the frontend to add an institutional hierarchy, there is the
>> possibility to go to admin>config.tools>editsubjects.
>> But after adding such a new tree (as an administrator), it does not appear
>> when adding an eprint (as an author).
> you've to associate it to a new field of type subject on
> eprint_fields.pl in cfg.d of your repository. Use the division as an
> example:
>            {
>              'name' => 'divisions',
>              'type' => 'subject',
>              'multiple' => 1,
>              'top' => 'divisions', <- here put the root of this subject,
> the id when you create it on edit subjects
>              'browse_link' => 'divisions',
>            },
> Then you've to run
> ./bin/add_field <your repository> eprint <yourfield as above>
> to add it to the mysql database.
> Now
>> Also, adding metadata fields does not work: When going to
>> admin>config.tools>ManageMetadataFields, a click to e.g. "Eprints:View
>> Dataset Fields" results in this:
>> "EPrints System Error: Attempt to get value from not existent field:
>> metafield/objectid"
>> Thank you!
>> Best,
>> Karlo
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