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Message: #01572

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[EP-tech] summary page - mapping text


I'm customizing our summary page, and I find that hierarchical mappings take up a lot of space, and are very difficult to read.
For example, a selection of 2 items in a single mapping could look something like this:

        1 - The doctor as a scholar and a scientist > 1.10 - Apply social science principles, method and knowledge to medical practice. > 1.10.a Explain normal human behaviour at a societal level.
        2 - The doctor as a practitioner > 2.13 - The graduate will be able to carry out a consultation with a patient: > 2.13.a Take and record a patient's medical history, including family and social history, talking to relatives or other carers where appropriate.

I'd prefer to get rid of the parents' labels in the hierarchy - like so:

        1.10.a Explain normal human behaviour at a societal level.
        2.13.a Take and record a patient's medical history, including family and social history, talking to relatives or other carers where appropriate.

I've already moved the mapping fields out of the "summary_page_metadata" list, so they can be displayed separately - so this is what I currently have:

          <epc:foreach expr="$config{summary_page_relationships}" iterator="fieldname">
            <epc:if test="is_set($item.property($fieldname))">
              <div class="attribute_title">
                <epc:phrase ref="eprint_fieldname_{$fieldname}" />:
              <div class="attribute_value">
                <epc:print expr="$item.property($fieldname)" />

I'm having difficulty figuring out what piece of code is generating the current text, and whether there's a built-in way to get the shorter labels.
Does anyone have any ideas?


Carl Franks
Technology and Innovation in Learning Team
Medical Education Institute
University of Dundee
School of Medicine
ext 83041

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096