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Message: #01565

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[EP-tech] Re: One document limit in EPrints XML SWORD package format

It's a valid solution.... if you are making a SWORD connection from EPrints to EPrints.

Unfortunately the world hasn't quite adopted EPrints as a de-facto standard, so something else is needed.

On 13/02/13 15:28, David Kane wrote:
Why not just get the SWORD packager to create a zip of EPrints XML, with
multiple files embedded.  This would get around the whole problem in one
stroke.  Is it possible?


On 17 December 2012 09:20, Ian Stuart <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk
<mailto:Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk>> wrote:

    On 16/12/12 23:36, Mark Gregson wrote:
     > Thanks Ian.  I implemented a plugin along the lines I was
    thinking and that works ok. Does yours do else besides removing the
    document limit?
     > What's the issue with unzip in 3.2?

    In 3.2, the unzip function works by unzipping the file, then doing a
    "readdir" to get the list of files.

    This fails if there are any files in subdirectories.


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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